
From: ** .digital ** rketer.com

​​What Is Content Marketing?


Here’s how we define what content ** rketing is:

“Content ** rketing is the creation and distribution of valuable content to build and engage an au ** nce for your brand.”



That’s a mouthful, so let’s break down that definition to ** ke sure we’re all clear.


“Content ** rketing is the CREATION and DISTRIBUTION…”


We’ve emphasized 2 words here, creation and distribution, to drive home the point that content ** rketing involves both.


You can’t just create a great blog post, publish it, and expect that to move the needle for your company.


Instead you need to take charge of distributing that content to the right people at the right time, to ** ke sure that content has the ** ximum possible impact.


“…of VALUABLE content…”

“ …有价值的内容…”

We told you we were going to hammer home this “valuable” thing. Well, here it is again.

我们告诉过您,我们将锤击这一“宝贵”的事情。 好吧,又来了。

Good content ** rketing has to provide value for your user. If it doesn’t, then it’s not going to be very effective.

优质的内容营销必须为您的用户提供价值。 如果不是这样,那将不会很有效。

With content ** rketing, you’re providing value—for free—in exchange for time. The more time someone spends with your content, the more they will begin to know, like, and trust you.

借助内容营销,您提供免费价值,以换取时间。 某人花在您内容上的时间越多,他们就会越了解,喜欢并信任您。

Do that over and over, and people will begin to trust you enough to shell out some hard-earned cash for your product or service.


“…to BUILD and ENGAGE an au ** nce for your brand.”


And here we get to the real point of all this stuff. Content ** rketing is how you build an au ** nce.

在这里,我们了解了所有这些东西的真实含义。 内容营销是您建立受众群体的方式。

Make no mistake: the ulti ** te goal of content ** rketing is to benefit your company. And when it’s done right, it will accomplish that by growing your traffic and, consequently, your sales.

毫无疑问:内容营销的最终受益。 如果做对了,它将通过增加您的访问量并因此增加销售来实现这一目标。​​​​
